Before you go back to your ex
1. You must find out the reason for
the break up. If you don't know the
cause of a disease, you can't find
a cure.
If your partner left you for another
person, then I sincerely think that
wantig him/her back is like flogging
a dead horse.
If the were the one who cheated on
you, then let them be the one to want
you back, the revese should not be
the case.
2. What is your intention of wanting
your ex back? Don't be selfish. You
intentions must be good.
Now to some simple tips
1. The greatest need of all human
being is " To be wanted"
So, you have to make your ex
feel needed and wanted.
Use thesame prowers you employed
the first time you met. It normally
Look out for those things that you
use to do that he/she truely loved
and start doing them to him/her all
over again.
Tell your ex how sorry you are for
everything and that they should
give you a chance even if it for just
a a trial time
Just try to be friendly and nice.