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99.9% of the time a girl dumps you because you have done something wrong, then you spend the next few weeks figuring out how to get your ex girlfriend back. Women are high maintenance and hard work at the best of times, but that doesn't stop us from loving them. I would say that you just have to figure them out, but if you could do that you would be the richest person on the planet.
Some girlfriends will just tell you straight to your face what you have done and why they are dumping you, they will probably even go in to graphic detail just to make their point clear. Other women will just leave, this is the worst thing to do with us men, and we are not the brightest when it comes to understanding things in general never mind emotional things.
She may have actually told you in her certain way what was going wrong, were you listening or watching TV? You see we seem to have this mental block which prevents us from actually listening to a woman if we have got something else we would rather be doing. This is usually one of the points she will tell you during her breaking up speech.
Has she recently had an upsetting time in her life? If she has and you were more concerned about going out with friends or watching the big game, well you can work that one out for yourself.
Does she think you have been unfaithful? A woman's concept of cheating is completely different to a mans. We see an affair as going home and spending the night with another woman, she may see it as you talking to another woman in the bar rather than spending time with her.
Although all of this seems pretty impossible to recover from, there is still hope. You can actually still get her back even if she has fallen into the arms of another man. One important factor, if she left this week and all you have done since is bombard her with emails and phone calls telling her how much you want her Stop!
You are digging that hole, you know the one, you dig for a while, lie in the hole and cover yourself over. She needs time to miss you; you also need time to miss her. She can hardly feel like she has left you if you force yourself on her every hour, it may be hard but you have to leave her alone for a few days.
If you can want your ex girlfriend back and you are willing to work for it then you need to act fast, be a man and take control. Too many people give up on a relationship because they think it's over, many times it is far from over.
Click Here to lay your hand on this simple but working technique to get your ex back!
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Article Source: [] How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Were You in the Wrong?