Your ex breaking up with you doesn’t mean you cannot make up if you know how to go about the whole issue. When you are in situation like this, you need relationship advice from a professional relationship expert that helped a lot of people get there relationship back on track. Here are 5 expert relationship advices that have been proven and tested to get you want you… your ex back in your arms.
Advice 1
You need to first think deeply about how much you love your ex and how much you do now that you broke up. You should consider this to know if there still anything left to go back to, so the first advice is to give it sometimes to think to really know that you want your partner back.
Advice 2
Have you ever stop to think about what went wrong along the way? If not this is the time to go back to discover what went wrong that you did not realize until when it has become little too late, consider it and know if something can be done.
Advice 3
Are the things you want from your relationship with your ex the same with his/hers? People in a relationship have different motives but have you ever talked about what each other want while you were still in dating? Do you see each other together in years to come? You need to know all this because you will be wasting your time if your partner never sees marriage as a forever thing and you feel its till death do us part. You should decide if you can adjust to what your partner’s motives are and if not you should just forget and move on with your life.
Advice 4
If you have decided that you can still work things out and bring back the spark with your ex, now is the time to call him/her, keep it short and ask your ex politely to meet you somewhere so that you can see each other to talk things over. This place you tell you ex partner to meet you should a place that brings back good memories of when you going was still good but if he/she refuse just arrange to meet up where he/she is.
Don’t make the mistake of being too serious by jumping straight to what you actually want to talk about. You could start the conversation by doing a little catch up and each other’s lives. You stand a better chance if your ex is still single
Advice 5
Remember to keep your cool. Make sure you keep your cool when you are speaking about how you feel and more also when you watch the way you react to his/her opinion. You should see this moment as your chance to leave a good impression on the mind of your ex so that they can see something appealing about you.
Be a good listener and try to see things from your partner’s angle, assure your partner things wont go wrong and try to convince your ex about your willingness to make things work out again between you two.